

The registration is mandatory to enter the web portal and it will be approved after a validation process by a confirmation e-mail. Registration on this web-site allows users to request one or more authorizations for the entrance of tourist buses into the Restricted Area ("ZTL") of Levanto.
Once authorization of entry has been requested, it will be examined by the platform manager (Municipal Police Levanto) and, if complete,it will be accepted as soon as possible via return from this website.
The authorization must be displayed on paper on the windshield of the tourist bus or it will be available via mobile device by the user on the spot.
The Municipal Police Officer present on site will unload the bus arrived through the reading of the identifying Qrcode reported on the authorization issued by the municipality of Levanto.

The authorization can be realized prior rate payment.


Touristic Bus - regular daily access: euro 100,00.
Touristic Bus towards accomodation facilities of the municipality: euro 15,00.

The payment must be made by bank transfer to "Municipal Police Levanto (SP)" using the following coordinates:

BANK: "Cassa di Risparmio della Spezia" - Filiale di Levanto (SP)
IBAN: IT 04 L 06230 49781 000043561623

The rate can be viewed on the resolution of G.C. No. 4 of 7/1/2016 downloadable under "Information - Rules" of the same platform.

The offenders to the established obligations will be sanctioned in accordance with the current Highway Code Legislative Decree No. 285/1992 pursuant to article 7 paragraphs 9-14.


Since 18/09/2023 the access to the Levanto ZTL is subjected to new regulations.

You cannot differ the fee payment but you must attach the wire transfer documentation during the request process.

There is a limited count of vehicles admitted in the ZTL per day. When the maximum number has been reached the dates will not be available for new requests.

Before proceeding with the transfer, make sure of the actual availability for the requested day.

Read here the ordinance Nr. 17 Reg. Gen. nr° 131/2023 related to the new means of access.

Since 1/4/2024 the access is granted to 10 daily bus only and temporal limit of 7 days for reservation is dismissed.

Read here the ordinance related to the new means of access.